Why is Consulting the Ultimate Lifestyle Busines?

With the age of the internet, there are alot of ads and online personalities that promote ‘work from home’ and ‘lifestyle business’ opportunities. Most of these entail a funnel driven business, or one built on the coat-tails of someone else.

We believe that Business Coaching, Consulting and Advisory is a far more tangible and honest business than these other options.

This article describes why and how you can use Business Consulting as a way to provide you with the freedom and lifestyle that you want.

Freedom of time

ConsultX is a lifestyle business for you and your family. Spend more time with loved ones and doing the things you enjoy in life. Work the hours you desire with the ability to take extended weekends, holidays or vacations and the simple pleasures like dropping your children (or grandchildren) off to school. You have complete control over when and how much you work.

Be your own boss

Get out of the 8-5 rat race and become your own boss. You may have been bypassed for promotion, had a disagreement with management or been denied a pay increase. Maybe you've always wanted to be successfully self employed and are ready to take on a new challenge. Become your own boss, give yourself a promotion, a pay rise and become the master of your destiny.

Work close to home

Don't waste your life sitting in traffic. Our system is designed for you to work close to home, building a tight network of clients in your locality to slash your travel time. You can improve you productivity and use the extra hours for the things that actually matter.

Secure future

Create a secure future for yourself and your loved ones, without the risk of being made redundant or the downsides of owning a regular enterprise. Get the freedom, lifestyle, security, and income benefits that come with owning your own stable business with long-term agreements, without risk or headaches. No large overheads, no lease to sign, no staff to manage, and a low investment for the handsome return. You’ll be shielded from any industry-specific downturn with a diversified portfolio of clients and you’ll be in even higher demand when the economy is in strife.


Helping others succeed is highly rewarding. As you grow your client’s businesses and see them reap the personal benefits, you’ll be appreciated and feel like you’re providing a valuable contribution to your work.


Business Coach vs Business Mentor vs Business Advisor vs Business Consultant


How to choose the best Consulting Fee Structure, so you can maximize your income.