Why do Business Owners fail?

Typical story

A typical Business Owner has a story like this: Has gone into business based on an emotional whim to do better for their Family. They have seen other people go into business, drive nice cars, buy nice homes, and want this lifestyle for their family. The Government will give a licence to them for a business with no test or training at all. They will be exposed to more money than they have ever handled and sometimes mistake revenue for profit. They may have an Accountant, who will usually focus on providing tax compliance services only. Typically there won't be any monthly management systems with no ability to measure whether the business is doing well or not. External influences like competitors, changing consumer demand or COVID-19 put massive pressure on the business and the owner, who doesn't know how to deal with this. Eventually, losses mount up, the business will fall behind paying bills and taxes, the end is usually not very far away... Some businesses simply close their doors, some owners retire, some merge with other businesses. However the bulk of them go bankrupt, creating havoc for the owners families and stakeholders. Worldwide millions of businesses are somewhere within this cycle and you could help them from becoming yet another statistic.

Business Owners need a Business Success Partner

Business owners need your help for a range of reasons, including: They are still good at what their trade is but lack the tools and skills to run a business effectively. They may have got themselves into a bad situation. They will have quite often run out of equity in the business (through losses) and Creditors and Financiers are closing in on them quickly. They lack business skills to be able to identify and fix the problems they may have.


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