The best business model for Business Consultants

This article is all about the best business model for Business Consultants so that those of you who are considering joining the profession can start off on the right foot. It is easy to just get started from scratch but usually people who do this end up failing or achieving average results. We call these people “notebook and pencil Consultants” with no systems or processes to help them and their clients.

Business consulting has been around for around 150 years in an organized manner, however, early consultants tended to specialize in only one business type, the first Consultants appeared in the late 1800s as railways started to cross the USA and the country and they specialized in the railway industry. As time moved on, they expanded to other industries and the profession was off to a rapid start.

Traditional Business Consulting is where a Consultant approaches a Business Owner and through discussion establishes the challenges that his business is experiencing, the Consultants offer to the Business Owner is to provide solutions for the Businesses challenges and provide this in a form called a project or assignment, and at the end of the project or assignment a deliverable, sometimes.

Once the solution has been delivered the Consultant gets paid and then usually leaves for another business, to do another project or assignment.

The big problem is that the recommendations of the Consultant usually never get implemented by the business and the solution/business plan just sits on the shelf and gathers dust.

I experienced this in my first year of being a Business Consultant where out of nine Clients I had only 2 had made a poor start and seven had made no start at all in implementing the business plan. 

Over the years I learned that I needed to be the implementation guy, I needed to make sure that the business plan was implemented correctly and on time. This new role kept me working with each client for many years.

This revelation proved to be a perfect solution to help Business Owners where a combination of old and new consulting strategies provided a foolproof system to greatly improve the profits, growth, and value of a Client business.  

The old method of Business Consulting is still used today but mainly for huge Corporations. 

The best business model for Business Consultants is the long-term model as just discussed with a full range of appropriate tools and resources to do the job well.

 I’m David Thexton, the founder of ConsultX Global Business Consulting that trains people to become highly effective Business Consultants, in order to live the lifestyle that they want. One of my missions is to provide quality education and information about business consulting, for those who want to become successful Business Consultants.


How to choose the best Consulting Fee Structure, so you can maximize your income.


Business Consulting: The ConsultX approach and why it works.